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Radio’s Higher Purpose

Radio’s Higher Purpose

There are times when the unique advantages of Radio come into sharp focus. Such was the case during the recent International Eucharistic Congress held in Budapest, Hungary where hundreds of thousands of Catholic believers from 70 countries gathered to celebrate their faith.

It’s been 140 years since the first IEC was held in Lille, France, and five years since the last event in Cebu, Philippines, having been delayed by a year due to the pandemic.

The challenges of hosting and spreading the word among the multilingual attendees are great, but the clever application of Radio was up to the task.

Seven low power Elenos FM transmitters (plus one spare) were employed, and covering the city of Budapest for the duration, broadcasting in Spanish, French, Italian, German, English, as well as the local language, Magyar. The local Elenos representative, Nagyfrekvencia Kft., helped facilitate the work, ensuring that things went without a hitch.

In the day to day business of Radio, it can be easy to forget what a magical art it is, and the power it has.

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